Your vital enlarger is site service that will give you best service about how to enlarge your penis size, it is natural treatment and you will get achievement of getting large your vital tool.this is very safe enlarger tool.non invasive and had proven to work. from the website i type above you can choose various colours and various sizes and packed with exclusive boxes, i believe you will interested, and the tool had Penis o meter it can sign how much your vital tool can grow, dont be affraid it is safety.

Formula one racing red team

Red color always wearing the ferrari car, why? sign of what, i think red colour represent the hardest and the toughness, power, and it is meaning in life of ferrari, so ferrari still the winner in recent competition

Have you seen beautiful formula one girl on stage in formula racing, yeach here are parto fo formula features, beautiful girls always behind the formula racing, can you see them, they are wearing red colourfull and stylish, i love formula event like you are,
PT IBAD Amana Perkasa sebuah Perusahaan bergerak di bidang IT dan Telekomonukasi membuka kesempatan kerja bagi para tenaga muda yang handal, berdedikasi tinggi, dan mau bekerja sama dalam tim.

Posisi yang kami butuhkan adalah:
* Minimal D3 Ilmu Komputer / Informatika
* Usia maksimal 35 tahun
* Menguasai algoritma pemrograman dengan Java, JSP
* Database Mysql/Oracle/Sybase
* Memiliki Kemampuan mengkordinir team dalam pembangunan sebuah sistem.
* Menguasai SQL,I-Report lebih diutamakan
* Meiliki pengalaman pemrograman berorientasi obyek / OOP.
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta (6 bulan)

* Minimal D3 Ilmu Komputer / Informatika, Tingkat Akhir/Fresh Graduated
* Usia maksimal 25 tahun
* Memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam algoritma pemrograman dengan Java,JSP
* Database Mysql/Oracle/Sybase
* Memiliki pengalaman terlibat dalam pembangunan sebuah sistem.
* Menguasai SQL,I-Report lebih diutamakan
* Memiliki pengalaman pemrograman berorientasi obyek / OOP lebih diutamakan.
* Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta (6 bulan)

Apabila Anda berminat dan memenuhi persyaratan di atas, silakan kirim Surat Lamaran,Curriculum Vitae (cantumkan no hp yg bisa dihubungi),scan copy ijazah,transkrip nilai terakhir,dan pas foto berwarna ukuran 4×6 paling lambat tanggal 31 Oktober 2008 ( max. 500 KB ).

Hanya pelamar yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang akan kami proses untuk tahap seleksi berikutnya.

Silahkan e-mail lamaran ke :

Be part of the game

Be part of the game in joining new tv online from Carlsberg Brewery. it is online video channel from famous drink product. this online media launched 5 channels and will showing you all aspects about football from the classic football matches to life as a fan.
for bonus for us , we can upload our favourite football movie form youtube, yes it will be fun . the web channel named web-TV-channel
dont miss to watch unique clip from classic till now only on this channel partofthegame dot tv. below is screen shoot of tv channel

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